Ph.D. Students: Alumni
Thesis title: On Building Robustness into Compilation-Based Main-Memory Database Query Engines
Currently: At Databricks
Thesis title: Finding and Exploiting Parallelism with Data-Structure-Aware Static and Dynamic Analysis
Currently: At Fastly
Thesis title: Simple DRAM and Virtual Memory Abstractions to Enable Highly Efficient Memory Subsystems.
Currently: Researcher at MSR India.
Thesis title: Practical Data Compression for Modern Memory Hierarchies.
Currently: Faculty at University of Toronto.
Michelle Goodstein
Thesis title: Dataflow Analysis-Based Dynamic Parallel Monitoring.
Currently: Researcher at AWS.
Thesis title: Increasing the Scalability of Dynamic Web Applications
Currently: At BoostKPI
Thesis title: Applying Thread-Level Speculation to Database Transactions
Currently: Teaching Distributed Systems
Thesis title: Compiler Optimization of Value Communication for Thread-Level Speculation
Currently: Faculty at the University of Minnesota
Thesis title: Optimizing the Cache Performance of Non-Numeric Applications
Currently: At Meta
Olatunji Ruwase
Thesis title: Improving Device Driver Reliability through Decoupled Dynamic Binary Analyses
Currently: Researcher at Microsoft
Thesis title: Redesigning Database Systems in Light of CPU Cache Prefetching
Currently: Faculty at Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Thesis title: Explicit Compiler-based Memory Management for Out-of-core Applications
Currently: Faculty at the University of Toronto